
GBT Benelux is active in all areas of corrosion control and this in the broadest sense.

We are constantly adapting materials and/or processes, applying coatings, repairing damage, preventing or reducing corrosion, abrasion or chemical attack by using the most modern techniques and materials. The extensive knowledge and available techniques mean that we gain and pass on experience on a daily basis.

The delivery package is very extensive in terms of materials and applications, thanks to our extensive and very diverse clientele.

Building, installing, overhauling and repairing equipment with a lining, applying various types of coatings and liners, manufacturing and processing all conceivable plastics (vinyl ethers, rubbers, fluorine plastics, polyurea, furan resins, PTFE, wear-resistant and acid-resistant brickwork, specific coatings for food, petrochemicals, nuclear power plants, shipping, automotive, … We have specific applications for each branch, whether it concerns protection and repair of steel, stainless steel, polypropylene, glass fiber reinforced plastic, concrete or rubber, any material can be handled by us.

First inspect, interpret, specify, organize and evaluate; this leads to long-lasting solutions.

Starrenhoflaan 27 B - bus1
2950 Kapellen

+32 3 6645505

+32 3 6645504